Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rat Race

Lost in crowd everyone pushing
Trying to find a way of their own.
Millions of faces all around,
Yet, not one known.
Neither happiness nor sadness
these faces lifeless,
Caricatures of flesh and bones.

Emotions left on shelf
Just a race against oneself
To reach the top of world
But what that top holds,
not even one soul has ever known.

I, me, myself -
The ego coaxes you,
makes you run for fame.
Little do you realize
He is the master of this game.
You dream of power and prestige
A diamond crown and a golden seat
Till the time comes when you realize
You burned yourself in mindless heat.

Annihilated you,
No hands, no legs, no face.
And thus my friend,
your role ends in this rat race.


Anonymous said...

Very Nice.... Mumbai culture??

Mosh said...

Thts pretty Cool Dude!! suits my taste :)

but if u allow me a li'l bit of nitpickin, then I had a couple of doubts..[The ego coaxes you,
makes you run for fame] is not in the same spirits as the rest of the verses I guess... Dude, "ego" wont coax u 4 fame, if it has to be the search of someone whoz [Lost in crowd everyone pushing
Trying to find a way of their own.]...again my perception, I might be wrong...:) dont mind.

I love this
Annihilated you,
No hands, no legs, no face.
And thus my friend,
your role ends in this rat race.

but had a suggestion..okay a doubt again.. I guess "no legs" is a little inappropriate as One always has somethin known as his "Free Will".. u cn walk-away @ any point of time if u seekin individuality...after all u talkin abt existence/absence of free-mindedness right?!?!(if @all i get u proper) what say u??

Mosh said...

Its not just Mumbai culture man!! U find "this" right in the remotest corner of the east or west of India(World 4 tht matter.)....

Its the attitude which has nothing 2 do with the busy life, its just tht u dont either want to kno where u goin , searchin wht ppl falsely (most of d times @least) call 'success'.

Its about loosing or maintainin ur individuality.Its about choice. :)

Enigma said...


Thanks for the appreciation dude... :)

Man...u read too much into what i say :-)..... not everything has to be metaphysical....but then interesting observations.... probably thats the beauty of a writeup...different people seeing it in different light :-)

To clear ur doubts...(rather my expression of this poem, u r free to keep urs ... :-) )

"Lost in crowd ..." ---> why r we lost in crowd because we keep running, running for what - Fame, and who makes us run - our ego...Now we keep running, keep striving, and the more me run, the more we strive, we see that fame eluding us, leaving us confused and feeling lost.... We pushing ourselves and our fear of others pushing us even more... and we end up being mere mechanical, robotic creatures devoid of "Life"... (So i hope u see the connection )...

"Annihilated you...No legs..", i meant... "Death and after whts left of u is ashes ", not free mindedness...

When I wrote this poem I wasnt talking abt free-mindedeness (thts gonna b another poem if i get my thoughts in words :-) ).... This poem is mere observation of the maddening rat race that we all compete in......

Mosh said...

Oh yeah!!I see.. I did read "too much".. into ur verses.

That was a good mix of philosophy :)

Expecting more of that.