Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The All encompassing,
the all knowing,
superior being they are;
For they know what life they live
And How yours - the ignorant, pathetic,
in line should fall.

Every molecule of air
that ever was, is and will be
They have seen it all,
they see it all;
Believe me for this is no kidding
They are the all powerful, all knowing
Superior race of the human race
The champions of your cause,
these self proclaimed, self consumed Gods.

"Our eyes judge no one, see everyone the same"
the claim echoes through you ears
While in the quieter hours when no one watches
The hate hiding behind the evil mind,
shouts out their real fears.

While you;
Quietly consumed in the false world
A lust sanctified by their greed;
Of reaching the gates of heaven as promised
A place none knows if anyone reached.

And I;
Know their nakedness, and yours too
Though you both wear clothes shining new
The lust for greatness and immortality
for you; this is where it all begins
While these Pseudo-Gods shut their ears
to the reality that silently sings

"Worthy of worship, you never were
Their guilts make you the lord
For in dark hours when no one sees
I hear you cry - Oh GOD!"

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